Breaking Up With Anxiety
Life-defining question for women who STILL haven’t overcome their anxiety despite daily exercise and/or journaling, years of therapy, or even stints of medication:
If I told you that there was a predictable, step-by-step method that allowed you to say “buh-BYE” to your anxiety for good without daily high-intensity workouts, overhauling your entire life, using any kind of medication, or ditching all of the food you love…
Would you finally commit to tackling your anxiety and breaking free from it once and for all?
Great. I think you would, too.
Because, my friend...
Your Anxiety Isn't Something You're Doomed To Suffer From Forever
And the sooner you believe me about that, the sooner you’ll be free from it and living the full, calm, beautiful life you deserve.
Yep… A life without anxiety IS possible.

But before we go any further, tell me if any of this sounds familiar to you.
☑️ Feel scatterbrained on a day-to-day basis, and are often forgetting simple things like whether or not you turned off your straightener, or where you put your purse
☑️ Are really irritable and you scare really easily - even small noises or someone coming around the corner makes you jump
☑️ Get nervous in social situations, and always have an exit plan or a “sorry, I can’t make it and here’s why” excuse at the ready
And you..
☑️ Are always thinking about your anxiety - you wake up wondering how it’s going to affect you that day, or how it’s going to show up at your next social event or work function
☑️ Get headaches, brain fog, and stomach aches on the regular, and you have dizzy spells when you stand up
☑️ Don’t get enough sleep, which stresses you out, and the stress keeps you from falling asleep… it’s a vicious cycle you can’t seem to escape
☑️ Have tried yoga, therapy, dietary changes, workout programs, meditation, medication, you name it - to varying degrees of success, but nothing has actually been THE solution
☑️ Are so nervous about your anxiety being triggered that you don’t go camping, backpacking, or on trips with your friends for fear that you’ll have a panic attack and need to go to the hospital, therefore ruining the trip
I’m going to wager a guess that there were multiple points that resonated with you.
If there were, then I want you to know that I see you, and I understand how difficult things are for you.
Now I want you to imagine a different scenario.

Close your eyes and imagine, for a minute, that you could wave a wand and *poof*
your anxiety is gone.
💜 What would that look like for you?
💜 How would your life change?
Now, I want you to imagine a few more things for me…
☑️ Your mind actually being still, regularly, and not stressing and thinking at a million miles an hour.
☑️ Coming up against an obstacle or issue, and handling it and then moving on, instead of letting it throw off your whole day or week.
☑️ No longer feeling that panicky drop in your chest when someone says ‘we need to talk’… the one that’s followed by a strong heartbeat, sweaty palms, shaky hands, and racing thoughts of wtf that talk is about.
☑️ Being able to simply watch a TV show and just be watching it, instead of stressing about what happened that day or thinking a thousand other thoughts and completely missing the entire plot of the episode.
☑️ Being confident enough to finally take risks in all areas of your life… like saying yes to last-minute opportunities, going for that career change, or asking for a promotion or raise.
☑️ Having a difficult conversation and not dreading it for days or weeks beforehand, and getting through the conversation without crying.
☑️ No longer having that undertone of anxiety hanging out in the background of your life, that feeling that signals that your emotional state could change at any moment in your day.
Imagine overcoming one of your biggest fears:

The thing is... this CAN be your reality, but only if you're willing to commit to making it happen the RIGHT way.
You see… the things that you’ve used at random to help your anxiety in the past, like
Therapy, meditation, exercise, yoga, fad diets, medication…
These address the SYMPTOMS of your anxiety.
They don’t address the CAUSE of your anxiety.
(Two very different things.)
That’s why you’ve only ever felt short-term relief when you’ve put these things into play.
So, what's the real cause of your anxiety?
Anxiety is caused by an imbalance in your gut.
And until you address what's going wrong in your gut, your anxiety will always be hanging around, waiting for the next opportunity to strike.
GREAT NEWS, though!
You’re not going to be stuck with your anxiety forever. (phew!)
We just need to take the proper steps to eliminate the imbalances in your gut.
Lucky for you, I have a program that does just that.
Breaking Up With Anxiety
A 4-month group coaching program for women ready to eliminate the imbalances in their gut and break up with their anxiety FOR GOOD!

By the end of Breaking Up With Anxiety, you’ll have a brand new gut and be living a life free from anxiety!
You’ll also have all of the tools and resources that you need to keep your anxiety away, so it doesn’t come creepin’ back down the road.
Through simple dietary changes, my signature root cause-specific gut and hormone supplement protocol, stress management techniques, psychotherapy-based workshops, and the support of myself and your Breaking Up With Anxiety ladies, you’re going to restore your gut and literally break up with your anxiety.

Hey, I’m Taylor - but you can call me Tay.
I’m a Holistic Nutritionist (CNP, NNCP), Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, NLP Practitioner, and Anxiety Coach.
I used to believe that my anxiety was just something that I had to live with forever.
In 2011, at the age of 21, I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and depression. From there, I spent multiple five-figures going to see a therapist every single week. I took my meds religiously, I worked out like crazy, I tried every fad diet under the sun…
And I was resigned to the fact that I was a person that had anxiety and that this was always going to be my life.
It likely feels impossible - you’ve been living with your anxiety for so long that the thought of no longer having it just doesn’t feel like a real thing that can happen.
I get it. I do.
But I’m coming to you with this information as a person who used to be on the highest daily dose of Prozac and popped Ativan like it was candy just to fall asleep at night.

Because when I tell you that I literally did all of that stuff for years and my anxiety didn’t budge - I mean it!
Despite doing ALL OF THE THINGS, my anxiety didn’t improve AT ALL.
I remember sitting on my therapists’ couch bawling my eyes out over the smallest thing that had happened that week, feeling so defeated.
Even just standing up to walk out of his office and head home felt like I was standing up to go climb Everest.
E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. was a struggle.
There was nothing that resembled freedom in my life - I was constantly worried, stressed, and wondering when the next panic attack was going to hit.
EASE? Not a word I was familiar with.
Until one day I learned about the power of food, and the connection between gut health and anxiety.
It was, quite literally, the day my entire life changed.
I enrolled in the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in 2015, and went on to become a Holistic Nutritionist - I’m a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner.
Thanks to what I learned at school, I changed up the way that I was eating, added some supplements into my diet, incorporated meditation and other relaxation techniques into my life, focused on my sleep, water, and fibre intake, and suddenly…
I was saying bye to my medication AND my anxiety, panic & depression.
It was honestly a little confusing at first and I was almost sitting there, waiting for my anxiety to barrel back into my life and say “gotcha!! I didn’t actually go anywhere!”
But it didn’t!
And I’ve been living an anxiety-free life ever since.
It was the best Break Up of my entire life!!
And that’s why I created Breaking Up With Anxiety.... So that
YOU can break up with your anxiety just like Shayna, Jess, and Paige:
"Tay's Breaking Up With Anxiety program
quite literally changed my life."

Throughout the journey I not only healed my relationship with food, but also was able to successfully manage my anxiety and hormonal cycle. Tay gives you all the tools you could possibly need to succeed and is there for you every step of the way.
Whenever I had questions, or had a tough week, Tay was always there to help me get back on track. Tay’s approach is so welcoming and efficient, she never just told you WHAT to do, she would explain all the reasons why. I never felt as if I was just blindly doing tasks, I always knew exactly the reasoning behind them and was motivated to complete all the steps Tay recommended.
I feel so much better after the completion of the BUA program, but I plan on going through it a second time to really make sure I am on top of everything because luckily, once purchased, you have lifetime access!
I would not hesitate to recommend BUA to a friend, and I actually have sent people Tay’s way because I am a firm believer in BUA and Tay’s methods for a multitude of reasons. I love a holistic approach to mental health, and BUA definitely falls under this classification. I learned so much about my hormones and hormonal cycle, the foods I need to be eating to power my body, mindfulness skills like yoga and meditation, and so many other things that I will be able to use for the rest of my life.
I am so thankful I took a leap of faith in enrolling in BUA, and 100% recommend it to anyone who is looking to get a grasp on their anxiety."
- Shayna
"I can't even stress how much better my life is
since taking BUA"

"Ooook, honestly… I joined the program as a way to prove you wrong.
I’ve never been so happy to be proved wrong 😭 I remember telling you that there was no way I’d ever give up ice cream or coffee, and you didn’t once fight me on it. It was actually craaaaazy to me the day I realized I hadn’t reached for ice cream in like a week because I just wasn’t craving it at all. My sugar cravings have essentially disappeared along with my anxiety. I LITERALLY WOULDN’T BELIEVE IT IF I HEARD SOMEONE ELSE SAYING THIS. I was (almost wrote am) a sugar fiend, an addict, and now it’s just… gone. Literally wild.
I can’t even stress how much better my life is since taking BUA. I’ve made crazy bold moves in my business and have felt so confident in them. My communication is better with my boyfriend (most of the time lol). I’m not snapping at as many small things, and I actually fall asleep easily at night. Moving through my days just feels… easy. I couldn’t have imagined this.
I’ve been shouting about BUA from the rooftops and will continue to do so. I can’t thank you enough Tay”
- Jess
"If you are on the fence with this program,

My version of anxiety was becoming more and more debilitating and life kept throwing things at me. You can only tread for so long. I went to the doctor, they did their thing and prescribed me a RX and sent me on my way. They wanted a follow up on how the MEDS were working; they never asked me how I was doing. I knew there was so much more I could be doing to support my body to bring back my vibrant self.
I found her by chance (I know it was fate though) through my research looking for someone that specializes in anxiety. I took a leap and scheduled a discovery call and I immediately knew I found the right person. The program is set up beautifully and anyone can do this. She walks you through the program with so much support and knowledge it’s literally impossible to feel overwhelmed about the process. Each week you build your toolbox with everything you need to kick anxiety to the curb.
I’m towards the end of the program and I have 100% changed my life all thanks to Tay. I have a new perspective and appreciation on how my body works and what it needs, and I know now how to support it. If you are on the fence with this program, JUST DO IT! You will learn so much about yourself that you can use for the rest of your life!
Thank you Tay, I’M FINALLY FREE.”
- Paige
So that you can start sending me messages just like these ones:

It’s my mission in life to help as many women as possible Break Up With their Anxiety and do so without any medication, crazy intense workout programs, or cutting out everything that they love to eat.
Here’s What Your Breaking Up With Anxiety Journey Looks Like:
You’ll receive my proven foundational gut and hormone supplement protocol that has been perfected thanks to over five hundred women over the past 10 years. You’ll pair that with diet and lifestyle changes to improve three specific areas of your life:
👉 Your gut
👉 Your hormones
👉 Your stress management
...your Break Up Dream Team, if you will.
When you combine these three pieces together and optimize them for YOU, that's when the true Break Up Happens.
Let's take an in-depth look at each piece:
Your Gut
You’ll follow the foundational supplement protocol for 12 weeks while you address what’s going on in your gut.
Throughout your Break Up, you’ll focus a lot on ADDING foods to your diet, slowly.
When I say that you’re going to be making SLOW changes, I mean it - they’re slow. And the recipes you get? SO TASTY AND EASY!
We also pick the 2 or 3 things that you absolutely cannot, will not live without and we take those things completely off the table from being removed from your diet.
Coffee? You can keep drinking it.
Ice cream? It’s still yours to enjoy.
Big bowl of pasta every Sunday? Love that tradition!!!
Chips? Yep, yep, yep. Crunch away, girlfriend.
We really focus on ADDING to your diet instead of strictly removing things from it. Leafy greens, water, beans and legumes - things like that.
Slowly, over the course of your Break Up, you’ll make multiple high-impact dietary changes that feel easy (cause they are) so you actually stick with them and fully reap the benefits of doing the work.
Those benefits? Decreased anxiety! That’s why we’re here, after all.
Your gut is going to LOVE you. Your anxiety will HATE you.
Here’s what can happen when you start eliminating the imbalances in your gut, by the way:

Her anxiety HATES her!!
Your Hormones
Your hormones also play a huge role in your anxiety levels — and hormones are quite tricky because they’re affected by so many different factors.
When you head into Week 5 of your Break Up, we reassess the anxiety symptoms that you’re still experiencing. Anything outstanding is likely coming from damaged or imbalanced hormones!
There’s no point in addressing these hormonal symptoms back in weeks 1-4, because in addressing your damaged gut, you’re also going to be addressing your hormones. (We’ll get into the full science of this inside of Breaking Up With Anxiety).
So we let your gut protocol take care of the heavy lifting, and we circle back around to clear the last few hormonal symptoms up using supplements.
Pure. Genius.
When you balance your hormones, biiiiig things happen:

Your Stress Management
You can have the most beautiful gut in the world, and have the most fine-tuned hormones, but that’s not going to mean anything if you don’t learn how to properly manage your stress.
Stress management is CRUCIAL for your hormonal health, and all the hormonal support supplements in the world won’t matter if these areas aren’t also being addressed.
The three key tools you’ll use to manage your stress are:
☑️ Sleep: Having regular sleep patterns and proper sleep hygiene is CRUCIAL for breaking up with your anxiety, and I’m willing to bet that you’re not so great at sleeping. But DON’T WORRY - I’m gonna help you fix that right up. You’ll be sleepin’ like a baby angel in no time.
☑️ Breathwork + Meditation: By practicing these techniques every day you will teach your body how to live in the parasympathetic nervous system. Anxiety doesn't like to hang out in 'rest and digest' land. I still practice this every single damn day (for at least 10 minutes) and I will continue to do this every damn day until the end of time. That's how important it is.
☑️ NLP (neuro-linguistic programming): A big fancy name for a set of techniques used to teach the brain how to learn healthier patterns and ways of thinking. NLP will literally blow your mind.
Get your stress in check and you'll finally start sleeping like a baby:

Break Up Dream Team, Assemble!!
This is a comprehensive group coaching program, not a course! When you join Breaking Up With Anxiety, in addition to the educational component, you'll also get access to...
💜 Weekly Live Q&A Calls:
Every week there is a live coaching call where you’ll get a chance to ask me questions, and receive support and feedback from myself and the group! We’ll dive into anything you need help or further support with and help you overcome barriers & challenges. And the best part? There's a Q&A thread so if you cannot make it live your question always gets answered!
💜 Weekly Video Lessons & Supporting Materials:
Each week you will follow a Roadmap with links to the weekly training video and all supporting materials. The supporting materials range from worksheets, checklists, extra videos, NLP audio recordings, short ebooks - nothing is off limits!
💜 The Moving Meditation Studio:
As soon as you join you'll have access to 50+ moving meditations. As you’ll come to learn, connecting regularly with your breath will play a huge role in your ability to manage your anxiety.
💜 Recipe Library
With over 400 dairy-free and gluten-free gut and hormone healing recipes, you'll never have to figure out what's for dinner (or breakfast, lunch, or snack time...) again. This library will give you never-ending foodspo and make your Break Up journey so easy.
💜 Bonus Workshops:
These workshops are hosted by myself and guest experts like a psychotherapist named Katie who was actually one of the first Breaking Up With Anxiety members! Each of these workshops will further support you in your Break Up.
Previous workshop topics you’ll get access to as soon as you join include:
Routines: How to Create Them and When to Let Go of Them
What to do When You "Fall Off Track"
Self-parenting: How to Love your Inner Child
Effective Communication
Anxiety & Your Attachment Style
Releasing Your Inner Critic & Side Stepping Self-Sabotage
Establishing Boundaries
Moving Through & Navigating Resistance
Energetic & Seasonal Alignment as a Tool to Release Anxiety
How to Boost Your Libido
💜 Private Facebook Group:
You’ll be added to the Breaking Up With Anxiety Membership Facebook group where you can post questions and receive feedback from me or Jenna, my super smart nutritionist group moderator within 24 hours (Monday-Friday)!

Join Breaking Up With Anxiety
👉 4 months of weekly live coaching calls
👉 4 months of private facebook group with 24/5 support to ask your questions and get support & accountability
👉 All course materials and any future updates
👉 Gut and hormone support supplement protocols
👉 The 12 week roadmap of lessons and supporting materials
👉 50+ moving meditation classes
👉 400+ dairy-free and gluten-free recipes
👉 Bonus workshops
This is a 4-month group coaching program.
The investment is
$1247 CAD.
These Women Also Broke Up With Their Anxiety:

“I have been suffering from anxiety for all of my adult life, with stomach issues to boot! Taylor gave me the tools to eat properly for my body, which not only reduced my anxiety symptoms but also helped GI issues that medication was not treating.
Taylor was easy to contact, knowledgeable, professional and empathetic with my struggles. She values a multi-faceted approach for targeting anxiety and is very flexible in her approach. Her results are proven and long-lasting because she gives you the tools to have total autonomy over your healing process.
One year ago today I could barely get up and face the day, now I have the energy I need to reach my goals. This program is a big piece of the anxiety puzzle, and I am so glad I participated!”
- Katie

“There is not enough I can say about how amazing Tay and the BUA program is!! When I started this program with her I was nervous, anxious and on edge nearly every day. Most days I was unable to stop or control my worrying. Nearly every day I felt afraid that something awful would happen. And, as so many of us experience, my anxiety made it extremely difficult to do work, take care of simple chores and connect with other people. I was also taking medication but it only helped with my depression and not anxiety. I felt lost and worried about the quality of life I might have feeling like an anxious mess everyday.
Since I started this program I can truly say that my life has changed for the better. I rarely feel nervous, anxious, or on edge. I’ve learned what my body needs to thrive mentally and physically. I’m able to control/stop patterns of worrying more easily. I no longer feel that something awful might happen, feel less anxious in social situations and I'm able to relax on a regular basis!
Throughout the program, I learned so much about nutrition and stress management practices that I incorporate into my daily routine from Tay and our group coaching calls. For those who aren't nutrition experts, she breaks the content down for the average person to learn and absorb easily. Her approach is not intimidating and she is extremely patient, understanding, and is always there to lift you up even when you feel like you’re falling off track! Nutrition is such an important part of our overall wellness that I’m forever grateful Tay and Breaking Up with Anxiety opened my eyes to and believe everyone should know about.
Thank you Tay for sharing your knowledge and helping me on my mental wellness journey!!”
- Bria
"My experience in BUA was amazing, informative and a bit of an eye-opener! Because of the group aspect, I never felt alone because there were others in the same boat as well. Tay was always there for us and was happy to answer my questions (I had a LOT of questions lol but she didn’t mind at all and always answered all of them).
The biggest change I would say is that I don't have to fear anxiety anymore because I know if I feel anxiety, it is a symptom and I just look behind it more. The program is a process, it takes time and requires patience but honestly what a difference it has made for me - I am more chilled than anxious!!
I feel more positive about the future now and I've started to wean off my medication which was a big goal of mine when I signed up!"
- Natalie

This Will Be The Best Break Up Of Your Life!
Here’s the thing - I’m making a lot of BOLD ASS claims on this page, but I know that my program works. I’ve helped over 500 women fix their gut and hormones using the exact methodology that you’ll be using when you join me in Breaking Up With Anxiety.
But here's the thing — because I can’t actually do the work for you, I can’t offer you a guarantee. You will get out of this program what you put into it.
What I can tell you is that during our 4 months together you will receive all the tools and support you need to take action but the rest is up to you!
If you show up for yourself and do the work, this program will change your entire life.

More Women Just Like You Who Chose To Break Up With Their Anxiety:

My experience in Breaking Up With Anxiety was life-changing.
Although I did get off to a rocky start in the program. I was so anxious and stressed about being anxious and stressed that I couldn't see the forest for the trees. But with each week came our new habits and lesson and I just had faith that everything would fall into place. It did. In as little as four weeks I began to feel different. My chronic headaches were less frequent, my brain fog was lifting and I was finally sleeping through the night again. I feel the best I have ever felt!
Tay changed my life. I know that it is cliche, but it is so true! My anxiety is now controlled! I learned so much about hormones, gut health, sleep and how everything works off everything else in the body and just how important proper nutrition truly is to keep anxiety at bay. The moving meditations are fantastic and the breathwork will stay with me forever.
- Andrea

“I had an amazing experience in BUA and I can't recommend this program enough!! BUA taught me LOTSSS, while slowly integrating new concepts every week or so at my own pace. With all the changes and lessons learned, it never felt overwhelming - always manageable! The group was so welcoming and supportive - there encouraging me when I couldn't imagine ever using anything but cow's milk/cheese because *nothing* could taste as good (spoiler: you can find tastier options) to celebrating any win, sharing recipes or helping locate anti-anxiety products that weren't easy to find in my area. I also love the regularly scheduled Moving Meditations (my new favourite way to meditate :)) and insightful workshops you can attend live or at a more convenient time.
Before I started BUA, I was a wreck and at my lowest (or perhaps my most heightened chronic anxious state ever?). I didn't sleep well, I only had enough energy to get through work - fueled by caffeine and sugar.. my anxiety was affecting not only my mental health but also my physical health and relationships. The journey started off with slow improvements.. like making dinner instead of ordering out.. getting out of bed 30 minutes before I had to work.. realizing that I was no longer dealing with IBS symptoms.. going for a walk twice a week. After a while the improvements started becoming more noticeable, even to others!
Working with Tay was effortless. I feel like she got me and it's been like a friendship since day 1. :) She’s super knowledgeable on all this and ready to relate so I/we don't feel like we're alone going through all the *fun* of anxiety life. Plus she’s easy to talk to and get a hold of, publicly or privately. Tay definitely made this experience fun - which is not something I thought possible. :)
I'm now a happier and healthier human who hasn't had an anxiety attack since beginning the program. I've also learned to have respect for my anxiety and I feel well equipped on ways I can nurture myself so if I feel like I'm going to be put in a situation that could cause me extra stress or cause me anxiety I can be prepared. Other awesome side effects I'm seeing from this program include better relationships, having an easier time of the month and not dealing with recurring IBS symptoms anymore.
Would I recommend this program to others? YES!!! I can't speak highly enough of this program. It's really been a life saver in so many ways for me.
I’ve learned so much more than I ever thought possible - ha and not just about food either! Not only am I converted to the anti-anxiety eating lifestyle (which my non-anxious husband has also seen his own benefits and gotten totally onboard with too! :)) and I've learned the tools to effectively manage my anxiety, but I've also learned to embrace things I thought I'd *never* enjoy or be able to do (like keeping my phone out of my bedroom and daily journaling).”
-Jessica M

My journey started at a young age. I was diagnosed with a very rare tumor called Pheo Chromo Cytoma. This tumor happens to one in every million people but the size and type of adrenal tumor that I had happens to one in every hundred million people. It affected my heart health, anxiety, adrenals, and metabolism. To say I felt alone even while surrounded by others was a daily occurrence. I was told, in my teen years, that it is "just anxiety and puberty". Little did I know that I had a rare tumor undiagnosed for 10-15 years.
After I survived the tumor, I was left with many different forms of anxiety. I had tried everything: medication, counseling, working it out by myself, and supplements. Then, one day, I thought I conquered my anxiety only for it to come back years later. Then, one day, I was listening to an interview with Tay and Dr. Alicia MacPherson. I decided to reach out to Tay Gendron. I thought how it couldn't hurt and if anything I get eating healthy out of it! Maybe she knows something my fitness instructor and teacher self doesn't. BEST DECISION EVER. I never thought I would be someone who can break up with anxiety but Tay taught me not to be afraid of anxiety, how to balance my hormones, and to be an advocate for myself. I want to thank her everyday for the most beautiful gift she has given me!
My experience with BUA is such an eye opening experience. Tay is a true gem! For the first time in my life, I feel like I can manage my anxiety. I got so much more out of this experience than I ever imagined. Not only is anxiety more manageable, my gut health and immune health are the best that they have ever been. I learned that anxiety is a response to an imbalance. I learned to love my mind and body as they are while also giving it the love it needs. What is nice about this program is that even if you get off track or have a busy schedule like myself, you can always work it at your own pace.
I would definitely, without a doubt recommend this program to others. YOU are NOT BROKEN. Tay taught me that. Let her teach you the tools to see what you are capable of. Give yourself the chance to break up with anxiety. Thank you Tay for being my rock!
- Laurie

There are some people who Breaking Up With Anxiety isn't for:
Yes! It’s true! BUA might not be a good fit for everyone.
✖️ If you have deeper, psychological issues around food, and eating/not eating certain foods OR talking about food is a trigger for you, then I encourage you to work with a professional that is trained to support you navigate these challenges before considering this program.
✖️ If you’re not ready to put in any work to change your eating habits or lifestyle, then this program will not work for you. There are no miracle cures for sale here. This isn’t a magic pill solution! It's never just about taking supplements. It's about creating new dietary and lifestyle habits and this takes time, patience, commitment, and consistency.
✖️ If you’re against taking supplements then I cannot guarantee that you’re going to get the results you’re looking for.
If any of the above resonated with you, Breaking Up With Anxiety may not be your next step. And that's ok! If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to reach out.
Your Break Up Could Start April 2025
In order to give each person who joins Breaking Up With Anxiety: The Group Experience the support they need throughout their journey, there are only 12 spots available for enrollment each time I open the doors.
When you Break Up with someone that isn’t right for you, it’s always a relief.
Breaking Up With Your Anxiety Isn’t Just A Relief…
It’s Completely Life-Changing.

Click here to join the waitlist for the Breaking Up With Anxiety 4-month group coaching program:
Earlier, I asked you to do something. I said…
Close your eyes and imagine, for a minute, that you could wave a wand and *poof*, your anxiety is gone.
What if *poof* wasn’t exactly instant, but instead occurred over the course of 16 weeks?
What would your life look like then?
Would you… apply for your dream program on a scholarship?

Would you feel rested enough to take on your favourite hobbies again?

Or would you just simply love to wake up feeling refreshed for once!?

...because that's what I'm offering you here.
Breaking Up With Anxiety will allow you to live a life of freedom, ease, and calm - this is as close to a magic wand as you’re going to get.
In just 4 months, you can be FREE from chronic anxiety.
It can be gone - and you’ll have all of the tools and support you need to make sure it stays that way.
I believe that you deserve that, and I hope that you do, too.
No more panicking when someone says ‘we need to talk’, no more thoughts racing through your head at a thousand miles per hour, no more worrying about when your next panic attack will hit…
Just a calmer mind, and a calmer life.
Free from chronic anxiety.
What would your life look like then?
Meet Your Co-Coach, Jenna
Meet the other Nutritionist that you'll be supported by (besides me) for the next 4 months:

Jenna Justinich is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Professional Makeup Artist, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Herbal Medicine Plant Witch, Breaking Up With Anxiety Community Manager and Mama to a beautiful girl, Noa.
Her multi-passionate nature led her to study various modalities of holistic wellness, beauty and self care, and it is her mission to spread the love and show you how to take better care of YOU! Because when you do, your goodness will spill out into your life in ways you can't yet imagine.
As a single mama Jenna understands first hand how challenging it can be to balance everything, take care of yourself and fill up your own cup. Her approach to health is focused on the physical body and the energetic and emotional body, and she is ready to support you on your journey towards becoming anxiety free- in mind, body, and spirit.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve already tried so many things for my anxiety, how is this program different?"Here's the thing... we are always looking for that one thing. That one event, childhood trauma or trigger that we can wag our finger at and say “that is the root of my anxiety.” But it doesn’t work like that. We have an entire little planet within us. We need to understand our little ecosystem and learn how to support it for optimal mental health. There’s no one magic pill, drug, vitamin, supplement, super food, meditation or CBT technique that will take anxiety away. True anxiety management involves combining mental health nutrition with other modalities that manage mindset. The nutrition principles that I teach in this program educate you on the biochemical imbalances happening within your body that are creating anxiety. We come up with a targeted anti-anxiety nutrition plan that is sustainable and works with your lifestyle. Then you supplement that plan with other techniques to help you manage your mindset.
I already eat pretty healthy, do I need this program?"You can have the healthiest diet in the world but if you’re not absorbing the nutrients from the food you’re eating your body isn’t able to make happy neurotransmitters or balance out those sassy hormones.This creates anxiety. The first thing we do in this program is make sure all parts of the digestive tract are functioning optimally. Tackling anxiety with food is simple but targeted. It’s about eating specific amino acids, vitamins and minerals that create neurotransmitters like serotonin, melatonin and GABA that regulate anxiety, perceptions, emotion, mood, memory and sleep. If you can create enough GABA it’s quite literally impossible to feel anxious! Tackling anxiety through diet is also about working with your unique female physiology not against it. I teach you how to sync the food you eat with the 4 hormonal phases of your monthly cycle and how this optimizes powerful hormones that break up with stress and anxiety. I see time and time again women who are eating healthy but they're not eating in way that supports their hormonal fluctuations. This program will take your healthy diet one step further teaching you exactly what is happening in your body when you eat specific foods and how that supports optimal mental health.
Will I receive personalized support from you?Yes! There is a private 60-minute initial assessment call, followed by weekly feedback and communication done through forms on Google Drive. Plus, there are weekly 2-hour group coaching calls! If you want to kick it up a notch and dive even deeper into your anxiety recovery, you can upgrade to the Private Client Experience.
What is the Private Client Experience?The Private Client Experience is an upgrade that includes a private 90-minute initial assessment call, weekly feedback and communication, access to the group coaching calls and four 60-minute 1 on 1 sessions. This is for the women who are looking for more individualized supplement protocols that target their specific digestive and hormonal imbalances. You can upgrade to the Private Client Experience at any point throughout the program.
Do you offer a payment plan?Yes! Both Breaking Up with Anxiety and the Private Client Experience come with flexible payment plans. My #1 commitment is to bring you the education and tools you need to release anxiety and take back control of your mind in the most affordable way. In fact, I’m so committed to this that I take it one step further. I offer a 100% money back guarantee! With a catch of course. You must submit all worksheets, feedback and accountability forms and attend 60% of the group coaching calls. This is how strongly I believe in this program and methodology. If this program does not serve you and you did the work, you will get 100% of your investment returned!
Can I use this program to transition off medication?I am not a medical professional and cannot advise you on how to transition off medication. There is a safe way to transition off medication and must always be done under the supervision of a qualified medical professional. After 14 weeks together you will walk away with the exact nutritional foundation that I used to come off my medication. In that way, the principles I teach can be used to help you transition off medication with the support of your doctor or psychiatrist. The principles I teach can also provide you with immense anxiety relief while continuing to take medication as well! There is absolutely no shame in taking medication and I stand firmly behind anyone who decides that taking medication is the best decision for their mental health. It's your life. You get to choose. I suggest upgrading to the Private Client Experience if your goal is to come off medication. That way, I can give you an individualized supplement protocol to best support your body while working with your primary health care provider.
Can I use this program as a replacement for therapy?Everyone’s anxiety recovery journey is different. I personally am a huge advocate of therapy and continue to work with my therapist today. I believe true anxiety management requires a multifaceted approach that fuses together nutrition and supplementation protocols with therapy or mindset work. Breaking up with Anxiety is infused with mindset work to help you work through any blocks you may experience while moving through the program. Some of the women have found that it is a suitable replacement for therapy.
I can’t stand cooking and meal prepping, will I still benefit from this program?"YES! I’m honestly the laziest cook who eats the same 5-6 things on rotation. There are meal plans, recipes and grocery lists for each phase of the program. Almost all the recipes are 15-30 minutes. But if you’re a “just give me a grocery list and I’ll throw whatever together” kinda gal, like me, the grocery lists will get you in and out of the grocery store in 15 minutes!
I’m Vegan, will there be options for me?"Absolutely! All recipes are dairy-free and gluten-free with paleo, pescatarian or vegan options.
How restrictive is the anti-anxiety diet?Girl, I love me some cookies, pasta, wine, beer and margaritas! The goal is to work together to find a diet that works best with your lifestlye. In Phase 1 we do move through an elimination diet to reduce inflammation, but it is only temporary! I ask for 80% compliance while moving through the program. Which means... 20% of the time you can eat whatever you want!
Listen - I know you have a handle on your anxiety and you know what to do when it gets really bad.
But do you honestly want to keep living this way?
Never knowing what’s really going to set you off, having to avoid social situations, and dodging difficult conversations with your loved ones and your boss?
Lying awake at night, stressing, unable to sleep, thoughts racing a thousand miles a minute?
How much longer can you go on like this?
If you’re ready to be FREE from your anxiety…
Your Break Up Starts April 2025!